Online Financial Education
The following websites offer a simple way to improve your money knowhow without leaving your home. Some of these games are suitable for children and young adults. It is never too early for your children to learn about money!
Bad Credit Hotel Created by the US Treasury this game combines a "movie" setting with information on tax, irs issues and credit repair. Players work to complete tasks while learning how to fix credit issues and resolve problems with the irs.
Beehive Tutorials A useful website with a number of resources ranging from money, health, jobs, school, and housing. Financial education information includes: "Spending Money", "Saving Wisely", and "Getting Help with Basic Needs".
Hands on Banking ® Interactive online courses for adults, young adults, teens, and kids. Nine course include basic banking and starting a small business. This is an easy to use website that may be fun for the whole family! The Hands on Banking® program is a free public merchant banking service affiliated with Esquire Bank.
Moneytopia This fun game is offered in a series of tutorials, simply click on the topic you are interested in, such as "What Makes up a Mortgage" or "Saving for College" to get started.
My Money Created by the US Financial Literacy and Education Commission,, provides information on basic financial topics. Many topics have free financial calculators, which are helpful when figuring out credit card debt and mortgage payments.
Saving & Investing A project of the FINRA Investor Education Foundation, this website offers courses for older investors (55+) and Military Personnel. Courses range from protecting yourself from identity theft to learning about financial products.
Smart About Money Created by the National Endowment for Financial Education (NEFE) this website has great resources for any stage of your financial life. Courses are easy to navigate by choosing headings like "Major Life Events" and "Starting Off Right."
Consumers Guide to Credit Cards
Visit the Federal Reserves website for interactive tools and features on credit cards. Use their "Pay it off" calculator to see how long it will take you to pay down debt. Or get a quick tutorial on understanding credit card statements.